GitLab on AWS

Unblock your process with a complete DevOps platform to build, test, and deploy on AWS.

Deploy anywhere with everyone

GitLab is a DevOps platform with bring-your-own-infrastructure flexibility. From the on-premise to cloud, run GitLab on AWS and deploy to your workloads and AWS infrastructure using a single solution for everyone on your pipeline.

Develop better cloud native applications faster with GitLab and AWS

GitLab collapses cycle times by driving efficiency at every stage of your software development process – from idea to deploying on AWS. GitLab’s complete DevOps platform delivers built-in planning, monitoring, and reporting solutions plus tight AWS integration for any workload.

Rapid collaboration

Contribute with purpose. Version control and collaboration reduce rework so happier developers can expand product roadmaps instead of repairing old roads.

Reliable workflows

Deploy unstoppable software with DevSecOps. Automated workflows increase uptime by reducing security and compliance risks on AWS.

Repeatable results

Stay in the game to win it. Increase market share and revenue when your product is on budget, on time, and always up.

Download the whitepaper to learn how to deploy on AWS from GitLab.

Logo: Axway

“The feature set with GitLab on-premise was more advanced than GitHub, and we saw the pace and development [of GitLab] moving faster with a community that was active in delivering and contributing.”

Eric Labourdette, Head of Global R&D Engineering Services, Axway

Get started with GitLab and AWS joint solutions

As a certified AWS Advanced Technology Partner with DevOps Competency, GitLab CI/CD is a proven model for customer success with the leading cloud platform. AWS customers can choose from two deployment options: GitLab self-managed and GitLab SaaS.

Install, administer, and maintain your own GitLab instance that runs on everything from bare metal, VMs, and containers on AWS with GitLab self-managed. GitLab SaaS requires no installation, so you can sign up and get started quickly.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Amazon EC2 provides scalable AWS cloud computing capacity. GitLab scales jobs across multiple machines. When used together, GitLab on EC2 can significantly reduce infrastructure costs.

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AWS Fargate

With one click on GitLab, AWS Fargate enables scalable serverless container deployments. Organizations migrate to Fargate to optimize compute resources and save on infrastructure costs. Fargate works with an AWS stack that includes ECS or EKS.

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Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS)

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service. GitLab CI/CD offers integrated cluster creation for EKS. EKS is the only Kubernetes service that lets existing AWS users take advantage of the tight integration with other AWS services and features. GitLab also supports Amazon EKS-D.

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AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code. GitLab supports the development of Lambda functions and serverless applications with AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and GitLab CI/CD.

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AWS Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

AWS Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a container management service. Save time when you run AWS commands from GitLab CI/CD and automate docker deployments with GitLab’s CI templates.

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Windows .Net on AWS

GitLab enables CI/CD for Windows .Net applications on AWS. Automatically deploy containerized applications, including serverless resources, with GitLab on Lambda or Fargate.

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